Thanks to the passage of Issue 8 in 2013, we have resurfaced over 35% of our roads in the last 10 years. While we are proud of our progress, we know there is still more work to be done. See our upcoming projects below!
Asphalt Resurfacing Program
We are focused on resurfacing residential streets and received recommendations on which streets to focus on from Council representatives, residents, staff, and the City’s engineering consultant, GPD Group. To complete this project, we are working with Perrin Asphalt and Concrete – the contractor with the lowest bid in regard to their resurfacing methods. See the streets to be resurfaced below!
Broadview Avenue Grand Blvd. to Dead end
Fairmount Avenue Grand Blvd. to Dead end
Grandview Avenue 5th Street NE to State Street
Orchard Avenue Wooster Rd. North to Morgan Street
Homewood Avenue 1445 Homewood to End of Pavement
Rose Circle Drive Akronview Drive to Cul De Sac
Haven Avenue South Van Buren Avenue to Frank Avenue
Miami Avenue Norton Avenue to Morgan Street
3rd St. NW Wooster Road West to W. Park Avenue
22nd NW Bellview Avenue to Shannon Avenue
30th St. NW Wooster Road West to Dead End
North Court. Shannon Avenue to 22nd St NW
37th St. SW Wooster Road West to Hagey Drive
Meadow Court Ettle Drive to Conrad Street
Ettle Drive Waltz Drive to Dead end
Conrad Street Ettle Drive to Waltz Drive
Additional Projects
In addition to our Resurfacing Program, we are working on a handful of other projects with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT). These projects will take place throughout the city, improving sidewalks, curbs, crosswalks, water lines, and more. See upcoming projects below!
Taylor Road from Wooster Road West to Eastern Road will be receiving a new 8” water main including new valves, fire hydrants, and water services. Once the water main is complete the road will be resurfaced.
4th Street from West Lake Avenue to Norton Avenue, Hopocan Avenue from Hillsdale Avenue to 8th Street NW, Norton Avenue from 17th Street NW to Barber Road, and Snyder Avenue from 2nd Street SW to 5th Street SE. These projects reconstruct these streets by milling, resurfacing, updating ADA-compliant crossings, and adding signage and pavement markings.
Wooster Road North and State Street intersection will be completely reconstructed and replaced, along with curbing, sidewalk, drive aprons, and waterline. The proposed project will extend from West Hiram Street to the State Route 619 Bridge on State Street and from Ashland Court to East Hiram Street on Wooster Road North.
Holmes Avenue improvements, the project will improve pedestrian safety and access to the Summit DD and Lake Anna YMCA by closing the Wunderlich intersection at Hopocan, improving the pedestrian crosswalk on Hopocan, and extending Holmes Avenue from 3rd Street NW to Wunderlich.
Wooster Road West from Hudson Run to 2nd Street, will be completely reconstructed including the curb, sidewalk, drive aprons, and other utility upgrades. A new Railroad crossing will be built. Wooster Rd West from Hudson Run to 31st Street will be resurfaced.
Robinson and Wooster Road intersection, ODOT will also be completing a safety-funded project that started in 2022.
For more information, visit